Case Studies

Situation: an assessment of social impact was required in association with construction of an alternative route around the Queanbeyan Central Business District (CBD), that would connect east and west Queanbeyan to new population growth areas in the south.

Action: The study drew on findings of investigations into the existing environment, outcomes of other studies relevant to the project, differing views of community members and key stakeholders already carried out, and experience from other transport projects. RM Planning also carried out additional targeted stakeholder consultation. The SIA recommended mitigation measures to enhance the proposal’s positive benefits and avoid, manage or mitigate its negative social impacts.

Outcome: The road proposal was approved and has been completed.

Situation: the client sought to convert an existing three-storey building into student accommodation, manager’s residence and associated spaces. Marrickville (now part of Inner West) Council required preparation of a Social Impact Statement as part of the DA documentation.

Action: RM Planning carried out a baseline investigation, engaged with key stakeholders, assessed the social impact of the proposal and developed mitigation measures.

Outcome: The DA was approved and the student housing completed.

Situation: The challenge was to ensure that there was sufficient capacity at schools to meet projected growth in enrolments.


  • Assessed demand from growth in enrolments and the ability of existing schools capacity to meet this demand.
  • Identified suitable sites in conjunction with local government and private land owners.
  • Negotiated with schools and P&C representatives on agreed pathways.
  • Evaluated concept designs and cost estimates to determine preferred solutions.

Outcome: completed seven projects to provide additional permanent accommodation at schools with critical capacity constraints.

Situation: The Club wanted to test various markets’ support for a proposed Italian themed restaurant to be developed within the Club’s premises.


  • RM Planning assessed the Club’s membership profile and the socio-demographic characteristics of the population within a five kilometre radius of the Club.
  • We devised a survey questionnaire for each category of patron (members, guests, visitors, etc.), which the Club administered.
  • Our analysis of the survey results showed an overwhelming support for an Italian themed restaurant.

Outcome: The Club established the restaurant which has become popular and is trading successfully.  The research also provided additional benefit to the Club in the form of detailed demographic data about its various patrons, which was valuable in its plans for other activities.

Situation: The site is surrounded by a predominantly residential area with a two-storey height limit. The proponent wanted to ensure that the local community was aware of the proposal and had an opportunity to raise issues of concern prior to the lodgment of the DA with Sutherland Council.


  • RM Planning, in association with AT Planning Pty Ltd, prepared communication material for discussion with the local community and stakeholders.
  • We used interviews with neighbours and key stakeholders to identify issues of concern and clarify misunderstandings related to the proposed design.
  • Feedback was used to influence design modifications, which resolved key concerns of neighbours and other stakeholders.

Outcome: When the proposal was submitted to Council, there was a clear record of consultation with key stakeholders, design modifications and the expectation of “no surprises”. Council approved the proposal.

Situation: The Council wished to update its Affordable Housing Policy.

Action: RM Planning reviewed protocols of other Councils’ housing policies, and recommended the suitability of inclusion of similar protocols in the subject Council’s housing policy.

Outcome: The recommendations were adopted.

Situation: Planning for Sydney’s growing population requires assessment of options for development in existing urban and undeveloped fringe areas.

Action: Co-ordinated the development of District Plans for Northern and Western Sydney with the District Commissioners and Councils’ strategic planners. Used a series of workshops with input from key state agencies in the areas of employment and transport; housing and community services; and environmental strategies, in the development of these plans.

Outcome: An integrated approach to developing strategic plans to meet the expected growth of Sydney over the next 20 years.